Pandaren Monk - Hisui

Another art commission from a WoW player. A dual wielding Pandaren Monk with her baby spirit pet clinging on her thigh like it needs protection from an incoming threat. (Like a mother protecting her baby. Well, that's what the commissioner wants.)

See the process...

Made a lot of revisions on this one. I decided to change the composition as you can see on image 1 and 2 since the client requested it to be in a wallpaper size for his desktop. I also changed the color scheme and lighting because the initial draft was really boring for my taste. So I decided to use a warm "back light" and a slightly cooler off-screen light source to give emphasis on her face and the pet as well, and to make it more dynamic and somewhat dramatic. A few more changes here and there like the lamps, mountains, leaves, etc as I refine it and... there you have it. 

Interested on a commission of your own character whether from a game or your own original character (OC)? You can contact me via email: or through