Battle at Stromgarde

Aeriyth vs. Tendael

"A battle broke out at Stromgarde in the Arathi Highlands between Blood Elves and High Elves. Blood Elves was led by Tendael who was about to charge through the broken gates of Stromgarde when a flying arcane arrow almost hit him. Fortunately, his divine shield was up and deflected the arrow. As he look up, High Elf Aeriyth leaped from above and was about to shoot another arcane arrow at him. Tendael swung his blazing sword, ready for this awaited battle at Stromgarde."

And I'm back again to another World of Warcraft art commission.

If you are interested on the art process, you can check it below.

1. Quick sketch with some rough value placement.
2. Refined the sketch after it was approved.
3. Adjusted some contrasts and added some more details.
4. Added the base colors on top of the grayscale.
5. Added some more colors and refined some parts. Decided to remove the Sprite Darter for a while because I noticed the pose wasn't working well with the overall flow of the composition (I'm still learning).
6. Added a few more effects, redid the Sprite Darter to a different pose, and polished the details.

If you like my art style and you want to see more artwork, you can check them out on my previous posts or you can visit my tumblr or deviantart page. Thanks for visiting my art blog.